My fingers often times have a life of their own, well maybe not a full on independent life, but they do leave my head and personal feelings out of the game much of the time. Sometimes it is a bit of a surprise and usually to my delight, as I fall into the category of the easily amused, that what comes through these little tappity tappities is totally unplanned and spontaneous. The fingers work much faster than my thinking mind anyway, so they pretty much just leave it out of their business. They secretly believe that it is a blundering baboon, but they don't want to hurt its feelings, so they usually keep that notion to themselves. But apparently today they are not so concerned about this thinking mechanism and its feelings, for they have unabashedly declared their true feelings right here and now for all to see. I supposed that it is for the best that all the bits of this system get their feelings out on the table right now as we get this whole blog sharing business going.
But as you will see, sometimes my fingers are assholes and there is just no holding them back. They often swear like sailors and have absolutely no respect for social decorum and even plain old common decency sometimes. So I apologize in advance for their behavior at times, what's a girl to do!
So if you find yourself in the category of folks who are easily insulted or squeamish, these fingers may push a button or two and these pages are probably not your cup of tea.
If on the other hand (finger pun intended, they also have a very corny sense of humor, be warned), you find yourself leaning toward the side of the easily amused, enjoyer of the irreverent and at times even bawdy, then you and the fingers will probably get along just fine and perhaps even better than fine and a friendship may be in store. But do know that they have even been known to fly the middle one of their group at said friends and family from time to time, and even at me who has possession of the wrist, without whom they would not be so bossy. Alas, we are all warned I believe, so continue at your own peril.